From Failure to Success

“From Failure to Success: A treasury of 50 inspiring stories”
(Kindle Format)

Description: "From Failure to Success" is a storytelling motivational book that contains 50 tremendous stories of famous successful people. Each of the stories in this book is deeply rooted and focuses on the journey of these people from failure to success. This book is prepared by lots of efforts and research. I hope you will find this book as insightful and useful. This book gives you inspiration, motivation, knowledge and ideas to get success in your life. The stories and quotes in this book motivate you and ultimately transform from you to your family, friends and society. I encourage you to save this book as a motivational key so that you can come back to it when you need to be motivated.

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About the Author

Abhinav Kushwaha was born in Allahabad, India. He graduated Mechanical Engineering in 2013. He believes that innovation comes from people who are not in those rooms, who are still in their early stages of life, who probably decide not to take the traditional path? He is a voracious reader, tech enthusiast, innovative and creative person. He shares his ideas, opinion and consciousness through writing.

Paperback Format

Description: Same book as Kindle Format.
Free Sample: Look Inside the Book at Amazon Store.
